"The cries for help cannot be ignored. That is why we have created VI-TA, to offer support and resources for the Vaccine Injured." - Dr. Christina Parks

Meet our Founder,
Dr. Christina Parks

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire in 1992 with a double major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Chemistry Honors. I went on to earn my Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan in 1999, where I did my graduate research in the field of cytokine signaling (the molecules that the immune system uses to communicate). 

Dr Christina Parks Bio

 My work focused on defining the mechanisms by which genes are regulated (turned on and off). I have spent many years studying the biochemistry of how pharmaceuticals as well as natural substances that enter our bodies affect the expression of genes and biochemical pathways that are essential to our health and well-being. My focus is on supporting the body in activating its natural detoxification and healing pathways through bringing signaling pathways back into balance and restoring electrophysiological homeostasis.

"As I heard parents stories of injury and their desperate search for healing, my heart was deeply convicted. I was surrounded by parents asking if I knew what was wrong with their child and what sort of therapy might restore balance and healing." - Dr. Christina Parks, Founder

The Power of the Alliance

Iron sharpens iron. Our world-class practitioners and scientists each bring their unique expertise and healing modalities to the alliance. The alliance facilitates the creation of a community that is constantly growing, learning from one another and expanding the field of knowledge of vaccine injury and treatments. Whether you are looking for more information of how to open detox pathways or how hyperbaric therapy works, our alliance has a practitioner that is an expert in the area. For our members, the alliance provides:

  • Bi-monthly presentations by practitioners and scientists that explore the root causes of vaccine-induced dysfunction and how to bring the system back into balance from each expert’s unique perspective.
  • “One-stop shopping” for information on
  • vaccines
  • mechanisms of injury
  • how to detoxify the body
  • useful diagnostics
  • injury treatment protocols
  • various healing modalities
  • practitioners and their healing modalities
  • Links to key scientific papers in each area
  • A “One-Stop Shopping” list of resource links
  • Information about practitioners who treat vaccine injury and related conditions

The Vaccine Injury Teaching Alliance Story

The seeds of this alliance were planted in my heart over 30 years ago when I was working as a Ph.D. candidate in the field of cytokine signaling. At that time, colleagues and I discussed our bewilderment at some of the changes to the childhood vaccine schedule. Why were they adding a vaccine for an illness as mild as chickenpox? Why were they starting to give more and more vaccines to children under the age of 2 yrs., when we knew the immune system was not developed enough to respond properly to them yet?

dr parks house bill
Dr. Christina Parks testifying in favor of House Bill 4471 which would have banned vaccines mandates in the state of Michigan.

"Why were they starting to give more and more vaccines to children under the age of 2 yrs., when we knew the immune system was not developed enough to respond properly to them yet?" - Dr. Christina Parks, Founder

katherine vaccine reaction baby
Katherine developed seizures following vaccination and later developed Lupus.

You see, we knew as scientists that we were just beginning to figure out how the immune system works, so there was NO WAY anyone could have a thorough understanding of what unintended consequences vaccination might have. Because of this, there seemed to be a general understanding among scientists that vaccine usage should largely be restricted to illnesses with high morbidity and mortality.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield

I was further distressed at the controversy surrounding Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who was blacklisted for suggesting that there might be a link between the live viral MMR vaccine and compromised gut health. Why was this controversial? I listened closely to the wording of the CDC when they said they had not observed any link between vaccines and autism.  “Ahhh,” I thought, “they mean they haven’t looked, otherwise they would cite the data.”

" I also naively thought that as soon as enough children had adverse events following a vaccine, something would be done to prevent further injury and to help injured families to heal." - Dr. Christina Parks, Founder

Temple Ealey was injured by the MMR vaccine

You see, I naively believed that it was the job of doctors and scientists to LISTEN to parents and see if there was plausible mechanism that would explain the injury their child appeared to sustain following vaccination. I also naively thought that as soon as enough children had adverse events following a vaccine, something would be done to prevent further injury and to help injured families to heal. I would never have believed that 30 years later the damage done to these families would still be being swept under the rug.

"The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act removed liability from vaccine manufacturers for any vaccine added to the CDC recommended childhood schedule." - Dr. Christina Parks, Founder

The Movie: 1986 The Act explains how vaccine manufactures came to have no liability for vaccines on the childhood schedule.

At the time, I did not know about the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, which removed liability from vaccine manufacturers for any vaccine added to the CDC recommended childhood schedule. Later, during my years teaching in the public school system, I was floored at the amount of neurological damage in children manifesting as ADHD, Autism and various sensory disorders. I was also concerned with the ever-expanding number of vaccines on the schedule and the increasing amounts of toxins in our environment. WHAT was going on here???

When I found that PubMed, the scientific library I had used for research in graduate school, was accessible to anyone online, without a subscription, I was finally able to explore the genetic, biochemical and environmental factors that might result in some children being more sensitive to medical interventions, such as vaccines. The more I learned, the more concerned I became, until finally I knew I had to speak out. When I did, my world became filled with the families of the vaccine-injured. Both my brother and my daughter had/have significant special needs, so I deeply identified with the challenges these families faced.

My daughter, Tess
My father, with my brother, David, who was born with Down Syndrome and associated congenital heart defects. As an infant these defects led to a stroke, resulting in the paralysis of the left side of his body

As I heard their stories of injury and their desperate search for healing, my heart was deeply convicted. I was surrounded by parents asking if I knew what was wrong with their child and what sort of therapy might restore balance and healing. I didn’t know, but my broken heart would not let me turn away from the question, and my scientific background and curiosity compelled me to search for answers that might relieve the suffering of these families.  I watched as parents who were already exhausted from meeting the needs of their injured child spent countless hours desperately searching for answers; and I watched as information became harder and harder for them to find due to censorship.

"Since receiving cries for help from hundreds of families who have vaccine-injured children, it has been my DREAM of having a central resource where information on vaccine, vaccine-injury and therapies could all be easily accessed and digested came into focus."

It was then that my DREAM of having a central resource where information on vaccine, vaccine-injury and therapies could all be easily accessed and digested came into focus. And as horrific as the last few years of COVID have been, among its few bittersweet blessings has been the coalitions of practitioners and scientists that have come together and take a serious, multi-disciplinary look at the causes of vaccine injury and how to heal them.  One of my dear friends that is mother to 3 vaccine injured children was grieving that there were no answers for her children as they were “non-responders” to various therapies. As I grieved with her for all the years her family had suffered and struggled, I explained, “you don’t understand, this is really JUST THE BEGINNING of a serious search for answers!” I invite you to become a member and support us in finding answers and so we can pass this information on to those that need it most.

Blessings to you and your family,

Dr. Christina Parks

Become a Member of VI-TA and support us in finding answers and passing them along to those who need them most!

(for less than the price of 2 cups of coffee a month)

Why Join VI-TA?

Support VI-TA so that we can continue in bringing you top-quality resources and information

Practitioner Presentations

Join us twice a month to hear leaders in the field share cutting edge information on what is working to help their patients.

Support on Your Healing Journey

Have information that supports your healing journey at your fingertips when you need it.

Protocols for Healing

Links to the most up-to-date protocols for helping the body recover from vaccine injury and toxic overload.

Learn About Healing Modalities

Learn the pros and cons of different healing modalities and which may be best to support your healing journey.


Empowering people with the information they need to maintain and restore health in this age of toxic overload, mass vaccination, and skyrocketing chronic illness.

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Empowering people with the information they need to maintain and restore health in this age of toxic overload, mass vaccination, and skyrocketing chronic illness.

Contact Us